Veterans To Be Honored at the Ruritan National Convention in January 2015

The following is copied and pasted from the Facebook Page “I AM Ruritan.” It is being copied here to accommodate Ruritan members that do not use Facebook. It is our hope to use this medium to spread the word (about the announcement) so that other Ruritan members that are veterans will learn about this event, and ask your club secretary to go into MMS to ensure that your military status is correct in the MMS records.

Are you one of Ruritan’s many Veterans? Are you planning on coming to Greensboro to the 2015 Ruritan National Convention? Remember that our members’ military records pull directly from our Member Management System (MMS). Make sure your veteran status is up to date in the MMS so we can properly honor you in Greensboro. If you aren’t sure how to use the MMS – one of your club members or the national office staff will be happy to help you. There are two important items: whether you are active or inactive; and which branch of the military you served in.

Are you one of Ruritan's many Veterans? Are you planning on coming to Greensboro to the 2015 Ruritan National Convention? Remember that our members' military records pull directly from our Member Management System (MMS). Make sure your veteran status is up to date in the MMS so we can properly honor you in Greensboro. If you aren't sure how to use the MMS - one of your club members or the national office staff will be happy to help you. There are two important items: whether you are active or inactive; and which branch of the military you served in.
Note: if you are a member of the Rapidan District AND a veteran, if you are not already listed on our web page “Honoring our Veterans” we would love to include YOU on that page.  We want your name, the branch of the service you were in, the year you started, the year you ended, and which Ruritan Club in the Rapidan District you are in. We would also love to have a photograph of you to include in the the listing (preferably in uniform at the time you were in the service.) You can give us the required information by using this contact form below (if you have a photograph, let us know how to contact you so we can make arrangements to get a copy of the photograph from you):

Survey results are in

Survey results

Survey results

This chart represents the survey results about the naming of the new official website for the Ruritan Rapidan District website.

If you have thoughts to share on the results, please use the contact form below:

Who Moved My Cheese?

From the desk of Lt Governor, Linda Bradshaw:

February 11, 2014

Last night I had the opportunity to attend a meeting of the Chancellor Ruritan Club in Fredericksburg. On the agenda was a presentation by Paul Scott, which was deferred to a future date. Paul shared with me that his presentation was titled “Adjusting to Change in our Lives” and was based on the book written by Spencer Johnson, M.D titled “Who Moved My Cheese?”

Interested in learning more about the general concept of the presentation, I found this video on YouTube, and feel that the message is timely and important for all service clubs to take into consideration as they look towards the future. So I decided to share this video on the District’s website, in the hopes that other Ruritans may find value in the message as well.

If you want to share this message with your own club, and have access to a projector in your meeting location, you may want to use this slide show, below:

old beliefs (from slide share)

Clicking on this picture will take you to a nice slide show presentation about “Who moved my cheese?” found on

Best wishes for a successful cheese hunting expedition!

Created a Facebook Page

In pursuit of bringing the Rapidan District into the Social Media arena, a Facebook Page was created earlier today, and this website has been linked to it with the expectation that when a post is published here, it will cross-post to the associated Facebook Page. This is a test of that feature!